Registered user since Thu 10 Jul 2014
Martin Vechev is an Associate Professor at ETH Zurich. Prior to ETH, he was a researcher at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA. He obtained his PhD from Cambridge University, UK. His research work spans the intersection of machine learning and automated reasoning with applications to artificial intelligence, probabilistic and quantum programming, security and others. He is the recipient of various awards including the ACM SIGPLAN Robin Milner Award, ERC Starting Grant, SIGPLAN and CACM Research Highlights, several faculty awards (Facebook, Google), a John Atanasoff prize for outstanding young researchers awarded by the President of Bulgaria, and others. He is also a co-founder of two start-ups: ChainSecurity (acquired by PwC) and DeepCode.
- λPSI: Exact Inference for Higher-Order Probabilistic Programs
- Committee Member in External Program Committee within the PLDI Research Papers-track
- Silq: A High-Level Quantum Language with Safe Uncomputation and Intuitive Semantics
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Learning Fast and Precise Numerical Analysis
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